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Standing Together for a Fair Contract by 10-19-15

August 3rd, 2015

Agents across the country are celebrating the success of our 10-19-15 Mobilization on July 30-August 1. We saw a dozen airports plus reservations offices and home-based agents all joining in solidarity to support a fair contract for agents at the new American Airlines.

Through our mobilizations, we bring attention to the importance of October 19th, when American Airlines will complete consolidation of all systems and operations with U.S. Airways. The company could not have accomplished the merger without our hard work and dedication, and we expect to have an industry-leading contract by the time the transition is complete.

Pilots and flight attendants supported our cause by wearing CWA 10-19-15 pins, and just about everyone was sporting a little CWA red for the occasion—on shirts, scarves, earrings, and even shoes! You can see our mobilization day album on Facebook or view the photos on Flickr. If you haven’t already, please like us on Facebook to get the latest updates on actions across the nation.

Thanks to everyone who made the mobilization a success—and get ready for more!
